What Color Do We Wear For Our Photography Session?

March 29, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Coordinating colors for photographyCoordinating Colors for Family PortraitsHaving a hard time figuring out what to wear for your photography session? This family mastered complementary colors in this Fall session we did!

The top question after I book a session is:  


My response: "Wear What Makes You Feel 100%"  That's my rule.  Now there are other rules below that I encourage my clients to follow, but feel free to be eccentric.  Go crazy.  Create the photo that YOU want... but I'm here to help incase you have color-phobia!

Rule of Thumb:

1)  Relax

This is supposed to be fun!  I have rarely had a session completely BOMB because everyone wasn't wearing the best hue of blue or red.


2)  The Color Wheel Won't Lie

I stole this from a Russian fashion blogger, Marinelle, and while you have to translate the language, the pictures are incredibly helpful in terms of complementary colors!



3)  Wear Whatever Makes You Feel Great!  

Behind the camera, I can see it on everyone's face if they are comfortable; that includes how they feel in their clothes.  If you feel like a sausage in tight pants or an unflattering shirt... don't wear it.  It WILL come across in your photos and across your face.  If you are shopping for a new outfit, and you REFUSE to buy a larger size just because you REFUSE to wear the size you have worn for the past 6 years (whether it fits or not).... Listen to my words in the back of your mind..

"Buy the bigger size." 


When you feel like a million dollars..  you stand taller, you smile bigger and you glow.  So, get over your hang-up about size.  Just wear what makes you feel pretty.. or handsome.


4)  Prints ARE Ok!

I try to remind clients to have NO MORE than 1 person in print during a session.  Unless you are a print-pairing wizard, stick to one print that complements the color pallette you are trying to achieve.


5)  #Google

If you simply can't figure it out, google a color you would like to use. "Pink photography wardrobe." "Blues and Grays in Photography session." "White and Black for my family portraits." Then select the "images" link on the top to see a bunch of pictures of families who have used your color ideas in their photos.  It's a great way to learn how to mix and match colors you like based on someone else's sessions.


6)  Call Your Girl

I have had majority of my clients text me pictures of their outfits before a session. I'm always available, so just text me and I can give you 2 thumbs up or make a suggestion that might help you pick out your outfits easier.


Don't let "WHAT TO WEAR" hamper the experience of your photo session.  Instead, be thankful you have a special person or family or the ability to be yourself behind the camera for exactly what you are:


See more at www.Facebook.com/KellyStarkPhotography


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