Serena's Senior Session at Kimball Art Museum

June 02, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

One reason that I LOVE Senior Pictures:  Courage!

Courage means so many things to me during these sessions. 

First, you have a graduating senior who is stepping out into the world on their own for the first time; for some.  They spend countless hours studying, learning, participating and growing...  that takes a lot of courage to be yourself!

Then, I'm putting these graduating Seniors on the spot during their session--  smile, move, be yourself!  

This particular Senior session was a bunch of fun!  She was quiet, reserved and she said she didn't know what to do with herself.  Well, unbeknownst to me, half way through this session: THIS MODEL APPEARED! 

The moves, the looks, the faces, the poses--  I thought, "I hit the jackpot!"  

We were able to get SO MANY BEAUTIFUL pictures last Sunday, and I was so thankful to share in this courageous Seniors memories!  

Congratulations, Serena!  You are smart and beautiful and charming and so many more things that I learned within the short time I was with you!  Have a blessed future, and I'm so excited to hear about the great things you do.....


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