Kelly Stark Photography: Flower Mound Senior Pictures

October 14, 2019

This charming lady is graduating early, and I was so honored to be their pick as their Senior Pictures Photographer! 

I knew the PERFECT place for Senior Pictures in Flower Mound simply because I frequent this gorgeous area often! It changes every single time I come back to visit, and I'm so excited to see the final product after the construction and growth.  I can't tell you how much I love the coloring in this area-- the blues, the golds, the yellows, the stonework, the water, the new chapel, etc!  You can see from the pictures-- it's a gorgeous place to take pictures of a gorgeous lady!

I'll be officially kicking off my Senior Picture Sessions next month for 2020 Seniors!  I'm going to be holding 4 per month up until the end of April!  So, sign up and secure your spot!  I CANNOT WAIT to talk locations, themes and so much more!!  Start those #Pinterest boards for your Senior Pictures, Flower Mound and Fort Worth!


If you want to pre-book a Senior Session with Kelly Stark Photography, call or text (979) 218-7921

#FlowerMound #FlowerMoundphotographer #FortWorthPhotographer #KellyStarkPhotography #FortWorthSeniorPictures #SeniorPictures 

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